42 Nebraskaland • May 2022
the most unexpected places, waiting
for our curiosity to fi nd it. As the New
Year began, I met a pair of breeding
great horned owls searching for their
perfect nesting site. I'm glad they
found one here, which allowed them
to raise their chicks at a safe distance
from the noise that wrapped around
them. Watching this next generation
grow and thrive was a reminder that
life is much bigger than ourselves.
A red-tailed hawk became a beloved
friend who visited me on multiple
outings, as if he were a shadow on
my walks. He didn't seem to mind my
presence, and in fact, may have used it
as a tool to hunt. He often followed me,
scanning the grass for critters I kicked
up. Watching him enabled me to see
this land in new light. With him, I bore
witness to the circle of life, the elegant
dance between predator and prey.
As winter thawed, the prairie
awakened, and the sights and sounds
of spring slowly came to life. The
seasonal restlessness of spring is
carried upon the wings of migration,
and sanctuaries such as these provide
a much-needed respite for many birds
on their long journeys home. Lying in
bed at night, I listened for the coyote's
lonely cry. With my window cracked
in invitation, the timbre of the prairie
helped me drift off to sleep.
Summer brought warmth and colors,
with a canvas of wildfl owers to greet
An American goldfi nch showing off its winter plumage.