May 2023 • Nebraskaland 25
A bluegill stands guard above its nest in a backwater slough of the North Platte River. Bluegill use the adjacent wetlands as
shelter while they are nesting. GRANT REINER
LEFT: This is one of the hundreds of waterfalls that
can be found in the spring-branch canyons along the
Niobrara River. The cold water supports particular
species that can survive only in this microclimate. Two
examples are aspen and birch trees, ice age remnants
that turn brilliant orange and yellow in fall.
ABOVE: Nebraska Game and Parks fi sheries biologists
are working to reintroduce pocketbook mussels into
a series of streams throughout Nebraska. Acting
as wetlands do, freshwater mussels can clean a
tremendous amount of water, which in return provides
cleaner water for humans and for the wildlife that rely
upon those water sources. GRANT REINER