
Aug-Sept 2023 Nebraskaland

NEBRASKAland Magazine is dedicated to outstanding photography and informative writing with an engaging mix of articles and photos highlighting Nebraska’s outdoor activities, parklands, wildlife, history and people.

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58 Nebraskaland • August-September 2023 THE LAST STOP I first spotted her while I was lying propped up on my elbows in about a foot of sludgy water along the edge of the Niobrara River. She was hovering right at the surface of the little backwater wetland and repeatedly tapping her tail on the water. Right above her, another dragonfly — this one with a bright white abdomen — was also hovering in the air. He aggressively charged at any other dragonfly that dared come near, but never went more than a couple feet away from his mate. After all, he needed to make sure she successfully laid the eggs he had just fertilized. My son sat nearby and watched bemusedly as I stealthily army crawled through the mud and water, keeping my camera just above water. I wanted to go slowly enough that I didn't spook the dragonflies, but quickly enough that she didn't finish laying eggs before I got into decent camera range. The cricket frogs I'd been photographing scampered out of the way as I slid past them. I wondered distractedly how many leeches might have already attached themselves to my lower body. I eventually got close enough that my 105mm macro lens could capture the action. I laid there clicking away as the male chased numerous competitors and the female doggedly deposited egg after egg in the water. Eventually, she finished her job, and the two dragonflies drifted away in opposite directions, their brief relationship over. The eggs were on their own to develop into new common whitetail dragonflies, assuming they didn't get eaten by something first. I hope at least one of them makes it. Speaking of one, that's how many leeches there were, in case you were wondering. By Chris Helzer DRAGONFLY ENCOUNTER

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