
Aug-Sept 2023 Nebraskaland

NEBRASKAland Magazine is dedicated to outstanding photography and informative writing with an engaging mix of articles and photos highlighting Nebraska’s outdoor activities, parklands, wildlife, history and people.

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30 Nebraskaland • August-September 2023 the circle. Then we have a break around 5 p.m. to stop and eat. Last year, we had a Ponca poet who read stories. We'll have a second grand entry around 7 o' clock. During the evening, we also do specials and giveaways, especially to recognize our previous head staff . We'll also sing honoring songs to relatives who passed away. Q: What is the purpose of the Grand Entry? A: The Grand Entry is what starts everything up. We line up in a certain fashion, depending on what kind of dancer you are and whether you are female or male. In front is the head man, and he'll be carrying the Ponca eagle staff . Then we'll have three veterans carrying fl ags: the Ponca fl ag, U.S. fl ag and POW fl ag. Following behind are the Ponca princesses, straight dancers, men's traditional and grass dancers, and then women's traditional, fancy shawl and jingle dress dancers. Q: How is the head man chosen? A: The head man is selected each year by our powwow committee. He has to be a Ponca member, and the committee looks to see who has given their heart out when they're dancing. It's an honor to be a head man. Southern drums, pictured, set up in the center of the powwow circle, as opposed to northern drums, which set up on the outside of the arena.

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