
November 2023 Nebraskaland

NEBRASKAland Magazine is dedicated to outstanding photography and informative writing with an engaging mix of articles and photos highlighting Nebraska’s outdoor activities, parklands, wildlife, history and people.

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34 Nebraskaland • November 2023 Upland HunƟ ng the Sandhills A ScienƟ fi c Approach elvin Nenneman knows birds. As wildlife biologist for the 71,516-acre Valentine National Wildlife Refuge the past 21 years, he's become familiar with fl ying creatures that range in size from the huge pelicans cruising the shallow lakes to minute grasshopper sparrows fl ittering about the rolling, grass-covered dunes. He and his coworkers strive to preserve and maintain the ecosystem for birds and all of the other plants and animals. From Blanding's turtles to western prairie fringed orchids, he's become intimate with the many species that make the Sandhills such a special place. Nenneman's time at the refuge also has provided opportunity to pursue a favorite pastime: hunting. Among his favorite quarries are Nebraska's native prairie grouse. While following Nenneman, his dog Patch and a coworker around the hills in search of upland game during an evening, the biologist shared his insights. My questions and his answers follow. Upon fi rst look, the Sandhills can be intimidating for a bird hunter — an expanse of rolling hills as far as the eye can see. Which areas of the hills should hunters focus? Generally, fi nding hills that have good grass cover and food resources will improve your odds of fi nding birds. Areas that have been grazed or otherwise disturbed such that the grass is more uniformly short are not great places to look. If there is a good food source in these grazed areas, it may have birds, M With the sun low on the horizon, Mel Nenneman and Patch, an English cocker spaniel, pursue grouse at the Valentine National Wildlife Refuge. A wildlife biologist at the ValenƟ ne NaƟ onal Wildlife Refuge shares his perspecƟ ves on one of his favorite pasƟ mes: hunƟ ng prairie grouse. Story and photos by Justin Haag

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