
December 2023 Nebraskaland

NEBRASKAland Magazine is dedicated to outstanding photography and informative writing with an engaging mix of articles and photos highlighting Nebraska’s outdoor activities, parklands, wildlife, history and people.

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December 2023 • Nebraskaland 35 conscience of the general public through kindness will be more eff ective and will do more toward checking the practice than an 'offi cial command.' As a result of the government's extreme politeness in affi xing the word 'please' to the notice there is already a noticeable decrease in the number who have unintentionally used the post offi ce lobby for a place to expectorate. "During the past year the movement to stop the increase of the 'white plague' [tuberculosis] has assumed gigantic proportions, but not more so than the increase of the disease. Realizing the deep inroads the plague is making into the ranks of the American people, especially those of the poorer classes, the government has started out to do its share in preventing its further spread, and the fi rst step in this direction, known of in Norfolk is the new sign warning the people of the danger caused by their expectorating on the fl oors. "Although there is a city ordinance, which provides a fi ne of from $1 to $10 for any person caught spitting in public places, halls, etc., it has not been enforced to any great degree, and the practice has become as common as before the passage of the ordinance, which in a measure for the time being, checked it. It has been pointed out that during the past year there has not been one arrest for violating this ordinance. "Several of the local physicians, who have interested themselves in the disease and made a study of its causes and eff ects, are contemplating petitioning Mayor [John] Friday to order the chief of police to enforce the ordinance, and by so doing eliminate to a great extent the exposure of Norfolk people to the tubercular germs, which breed in great numbers in the sputum expectorated upon the walks by thoughtless persons." N Visit History Nebraska's website at This circa-1880s brass turtle spittoon was covered by a lid that was opened by stepping on the turtle's head. It was used in the parlor of Helen Woods Haecker of Lincoln. HISTORY NEBRASKA 2817-2 By 1940, a spittoon was a joke gift at the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company. A.B. Gorman's desk is covered with "birthday sentiments," including a spittoon with a note attached: "Herein is a lovable chap in a loathsome sort of way, and So Are You! (from) Norm!" HISTORY NEBRASKA RG6097-2-320 Norfolk's post offi ce and federal building was built in 1904, two years before the anti-spitting campaign. RG5730-0-67

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