
Jan-Feb 2024 Nebraskaland

NEBRASKAland Magazine is dedicated to outstanding photography and informative writing with an engaging mix of articles and photos highlighting Nebraska’s outdoor activities, parklands, wildlife, history and people.

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86 Nebraskaland • January-February 2024 THE LAST STOP By Jeff Kurrus PINTAILS "Pintails!" Todd Mills burst from beside me, his eyes wide as he stared at the sleek fl yers above us from our Platte River goose blind that day. His gaze was part panic — because he always gets a little more keyed up when pintails are in the air. How could you not be in wonderment when watching these birds fl y? "They're coming right in!" he darn near shouted, ignoring the tornado of Canada geese working our spread as well, which is especially interesting because duck season had closed and we had driven to Hall County with one focus in mind — geese. But that focus changed when Mills picked those birds out of the sky. "Wow," was all he could say as they came in easier than any fl ock of pintails had ever done before, seemingly well aware that they were out of danger. Once they gave us their fl irty buzz, the entire group well within gun range, they left — never to be seen again. Hours later, when we returned to the truck after one of our most memorable goose hunts ever, Mills fi nally got comfortable in his seat and turned toward me. "How about them pintails?" he said, his 61-year-old voice sounding like a teenager again. "How many do you think there were?" "I think I can tell you that," I said. When I got home, I texted him the photograph with this message: "There's nothing special about this image. Too far away. But I thought you'd like." "Oh my," was all he responded to this average-at-best photograph of what many believe to be hunting's most beautiful and graceful bird, reminding me that sometimes it's simply not about the photo itself. It's the feeling you get when you see it. JEFF KURRUS, NEBRASKALAND

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