
Jan-Feb 2024 Nebraskaland

NEBRASKAland Magazine is dedicated to outstanding photography and informative writing with an engaging mix of articles and photos highlighting Nebraska’s outdoor activities, parklands, wildlife, history and people.

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that people and families have given back to Nebraska, creating a legacy that future generations can appreciate and enjoy. But to be honest, Miller and a lot of outdoor enthusiasts like him don't always know how these new access points and properties appear, but they are surely happy when they do. And when told that Two Rivers SRA will soon have a new pier to either fi sh from or watch others fi sh from, Miller responded in a way that explains all of the work the Foundation does. "Wow." Whether a person is quilting or kayaking, horseback riding or hunting, the Foundation is helping to make these moments happen. The gracious donors want people to enjoy the outdoors, and have a variety of ways to do that. They want the outdoors to be a huge part of their futures, and defi nitely want them to retain their pasts. "Nebraska's quality of life is greatly improved by providing public places and access to hunt, fi sh and experience our beautiful, family-friendly parks and recreation areas statewide," said Foundation Chairman Jim Abel. "This is one of the reasons why the Foundation supports the agency's mission and facilitates projects that benefi t all Nebraskans, now and for future generations to come." With this mindset, it's no surprise that the Foundation, with its successful and long-lasting projects, would have one fi nal question on their mind. What's next? N Funding Opportunity When it is determined that funding is needed for a Nebraska Game and Parks Commission project, representatives from Game and Parks approach the Foundation. The Foundation then makes a decision if and how much to contribute. Take, for example, the recent and ongoing multi- faceted Venture Parks project. The Game and Parks approached the Foundation with a vision and need to reinvest and update outdoor recreation and education opportunities in four existing parks — Mahoney, Platte River, Louisville and Schramm — along the Platte River between Omaha and Lincoln. The Foundation decided to support this effort, which identified more than 60 features in its master plan, designed to encourage people to venture outdoors, creating lifelong memories and establish the next generation of outdoor enthusiasts. The project was going to require support from the Nebraska Legislature and governor. As Game and Parks Assistant Director Roger Kuhn tells it, the trip to the Capitol was memorable. "John Gottschalk, a director serving on the Foundation, walks into the state capitol, where senators on the appropriations committee have been listening to people ask for money all day, for multiple days. "After sitting for several hours waiting his turn, John testifies to the appropriations committee hearing and says, 'I'm here representing the Nebraska Game and Parks Foundation and I'm here to give you money.'" The Foundation's plan was to raise $28 million of the estimated $35 million project cost, asking the Nebraska Legislature and Game and Parks to fund the rest. Twenty-four months later, with the help of many generous donors, ground was broken for the first Venture Parks projects. In 2024, the last Venture Parks project will be completed. The Nebraska Game and Parks Foundation, and its generous supporters, does so much more than provide the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission financial support. It helps the agency meet its mission as stewards of the public's natural resources, parklands and recreational opportunities. "The Foundation and its generous donors make Nebraska's outdoors better, today and for future generations," said Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Director Tim McCoy. "This supports our goals of engaging Nebraskans and our visitors of all ages in nature and outdoor recreation." Opposite: Jim Abel has served as chairman for the Nebraska Game and Parks Foundation for nearly 20 years. Nebraskaland • The Nebraska Game and Parks Foundation

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