May 2024 • Nebraskaland 35
recorded a calf getting stuck in the spring that fed the fen,
dying and decomposing. So, it turns out that the legend of
cows being swallowed by fens holds true, and now this cow
will be part of the fen forever. However, there is no need
for humans to fear fens, as we are not aware of any people
getting stuck in them.
Beyond the ecosystem benefi ts these fen wetlands
provide, they are also connectors. Fens bring people together.
They are places to enjoy the wonder and surprising beauty
of an unassuming, overlooked landscape. They take us back
to our playful, childlike state and make us forget the troubles
in the world. I hope more people will learn about them and
understand that we need places like fens to stick around
Wetlands of Nebraska project
For more information about fens and all types{of Nebraska
wetlands, visit See timelapse footage
Deep in the heart of the Nebraska Sandhills, this aerial photograph shows a fen wetland and the Platte Basin Timelapse crew
on the ground exploring. Fen wetlands can be unassuming from the air. MARIAH LUNDGREN
Dakota Altman and Ethan Freese pose next to a Platte Basin
Timelapse camera that is taking pictures of an eastern
Nebraska Sandhills fen wetland and watching how it
changes over time. MARIAH LUNDGREN