
June 2024 Nebraskaland

NEBRASKAland Magazine is dedicated to outstanding photography and informative writing with an engaging mix of articles and photos highlighting Nebraska’s outdoor activities, parklands, wildlife, history and people.

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26 Nebraskaland • June 2024 Photograph black-eyed Susans Blooms late June into August | Generally statewide, except south- central and southwestern Nebraska If you have ever been outside in Nebraska from late June to August, odds are high that you have seen a black-eyed Susan. These fl owers may be one of the most recognizable wildfl owers due to their bright yellow petals and brownish-black centers. These fl owers are critical for pollinators; many bees, butterfl ies and beetles rely on them for food and nectar. Shoot photos early and late in the day when the light is warm and golden. JEFF KURRUS, NEBRASKALAND Outdoor Nebraska By Renae Blum There is no limit to what you can do outdoors this time of year. This month, try a new trail program, Your Parks Adventure, or cast a line for catfi sh, survey for butterfl ies and photograph fl owers. N Fish a Nebraska river for channel catfi sh Throughout the month | Statewide Nebraska's rivers are sometimes overlooked as a fi shing opportunity, but you might be surprised at the number of catfi sh you can catch there. June is an excellent month to fi sh for channel catfi sh, as they're migrating up the rivers for spawning in July. Pick a larger river, like the Platte, Niobrara, Missouri or the lower Loup rivers, and look for a deeper spot and cover of some kind. Use your favorite bait and remember to keep it simple: A hook and sinker is about all you need. ERIC FOWLER, NEBRASKALAND

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