
July 2024 Nebraskaland

NEBRASKAland Magazine is dedicated to outstanding photography and informative writing with an engaging mix of articles and photos highlighting Nebraska’s outdoor activities, parklands, wildlife, history and people.

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54 Nebraskaland • July 2024 MIXED BAG Meet the Cope's gray treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis), a captivating amphibian found across eastern North America. Sporting subtle grays and greens adorned with intricate patterns on its skin, this arboreal frog is celebrated for its adaptability and enchanting calls. Despite its small size, this treefrog plays a vital role in the forest and wetland ecosystems where it lives. Appearance When considering a treefrog, our minds often envision vibrant colors that mirror the lush foliage and fl owers of the rainforest. In Nebraska, the Cope's gray treefrog's striking appearance blends seamlessly with its arboreal habitat. Usually ranging 1.5 to 2 inches long, this amphibian displays a muted spectrum of gray or green tones along its dorsal (upper) surface. Its skin is often decorated with intricate markings, varying from dark blotches to elaborate arrangements of lines and spots, off ering eff ective concealment amidst tree bark and foliage. A distinctive dark mask extends from the snout to the eye, accentuating its expressive appearance. Large, adhesive toe pads enable the Cope's gray treefrog to eff ortlessly climb and cling to various surfaces, aiding its arboreal lifestyle. Behavior and Special Adaptations In Nebraska, Cope's gray treefrogs exhibit fascinating behaviors and possess special adaptations that enable them to thrive in diverse environments. These amphibians are predominantly nocturnal, seeking refuge in shaded areas or tree cavities during the day and emerging at night to forage. Their cryptic coloration and markings provide eff ective camoufl age against predators such as birds, snakes and mammals. Cope's gray treefrogs are renowned for their remarkable climbing ability on various surfaces, including tree bark and foliage. Their adhesive toe pads also facilitate effi cient hunting, as they can quickly snatch insects and other small invertebrates from vegetation. Furthermore, these frogs possess specialized vocal sacs that allow males to produce loud, melodious calls during the breeding season, serving to attract potential mates and establish territories. During winter, Cope's gray treefrogs experience a remarkable adaptation known as crypsis, where they undergo a process called cryoanesthesia. As temperatures drop, these amphibians enter a state of dormancy and seek shelter in leaf litter or soil. They accumulate glycerol and glucose in their tissues, which act as a natural antifreeze to prevent ice crystals from forming within their bodies. In this frozen state, their metabolism slows dramatically, allowing them to survive freezing temperatures until warmer conditions return in spring. Distribution and Habitat The Cope's gray treefrog inhabits a variety of habitats across the state. From the sprawling prairies to the lush woodlands and wetlands, these adaptable amphibians can be encountered in a range of environments. They demonstrate a preference for moist habitats near water bodies such as ponds, marshes and slow-moving streams, where they fi nd ample opportunities for breeding and foraging. However, they are also known to thrive in suburban gardens, parks and agricultural areas with suitable vegetation and moisture levels. Despite their versatile nature, habitat loss and fragmentation due to urbanization, agriculture and land development pose signifi cant threats to their populations in Nebraska. Conservation eff orts aimed at preserving and restoring their preferred habitats are crucial for ensuring the continued presence of the Cope's gray treefrog throughout the Cornhusker State. Reproduction and Lifecycle In Nebraska, the lifecycle and reproductive habits of the Cope's gray treefrog follow a seasonal rhythm intertwined with the state's climate. Breeding typically occurs from late spring to early summer, with males congregating near water bodies, fi lling the night air with their melodious calls to attract females. The call of the Cope's gray treefrog resembles a series of high-pitched trills or peeps, adding to the soothing nighttime chorus in Nebraska's wetlands. Upon successful mating, females lay their eggs in shallow water, attaching them to submerged vegetation or debris. These eggs hatch into tadpoles, which undergo metamorphosis over several weeks, eventually emerging as miniature froglets. Environmental factors such as temperature and precipitation play critical roles in determining the timing and success of reproduction. Conservation Status and Threats In Nebraska, conservation of the Cope's gray treefrog faces a complex array of threats amidst eff orts to preserve its populations. While currently categorized as a species of COPE'S GRAY TREEFROGS By Monica Macoubrie, Wildlife Education Specialist

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