
November 2023 Nebraskaland

NEBRASKAland Magazine is dedicated to outstanding photography and informative writing with an engaging mix of articles and photos highlighting Nebraska’s outdoor activities, parklands, wildlife, history and people.

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November 2023 • Nebraskaland 27 and not fl owing between dams, and I saw no fresh sign. The middle reach was dry. The lower end, however, was brimming. The infl uence of groundwater was obviously stronger in some reaches than others. The beavers had fi gured this out. The dams they built in the wet reaches, once low lines of tangled sticks, were now several feet high and covered with mud, from which trees and other vegetation grew. One in the lower end was actually keeping the water deeper in a pool on its downstream side. That pond was deeper than I was prepared to explore in my boots. I saw no minnows in the upper ponds, but I did see a few small bluegill, bass and pickerel, as well as snails. How they got into these pools that were dry a year earlier is testament to nature. Perennial wildfl owers, rushes and sedges were fi lling the marshes. On rich, moist soils, cottonwoods and willows were now head-high. Wildfl owers and grasses were becoming more established on the higher and drier, sandy soils. The ebbs and fl ows of water, and the life in it, will likely continue at Red Wing. Will the river stay in its new channel? The next fl ood could easily send water rushing through a low spot in the upper end of the old channel. Will it be enough that the still-wild Elkhorn will change its mind again? Or will it remain on its new course, which is actually its old course from a century ago, something that continues to amaze me. Only time will tell. N LEFT: Water pools behind one of many beaver dams built across the old channel to hold back fl ows fed by groundwater. TOP RIGHT: Allegheny Monkey-fl ower blooms in the moist soils of the old channel.

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