22 Nebraskaland • June 2024
Sherman refi lls every year. That process
starts in the fall, after irrigation season,
bringing the lake to 5 feet from full.
Diversions resume in mid-April, and by
mid-May, the lake is at full pool.
Fishing and Hunting
Sherman is one of the top walleye
and crappie lakes in the state. It is one
of three lakes where Game and Parks
biologists net walleye during the spawn,
collecting eggs to feed the hatchery
system and raise walleye to stock in
Sherman and other waters around the
state. As such, the area along the dam
is closed to fi shing from April 1-20, but
anglers can often fi nd fi sh there prior
to the closure, and elsewhere during it.
Walleye fi shing peaks in May and June.
It can slow considerably in the summer
if gizzard shad, the lake's forage base,
have a successful hatch, but picks up