18 NEBRASKAland • JUNE 2016
Five Great
By Jeff Kurrus
While we don't have an ocean view,
Nebraska does has plenty of waterside
beaches that allow you to close your
eyes, bury your feet in the sand, and
feel water creep between your toes.
Here are a few of my favorites:
Lake McConaughy
Let's go big first. Whether you're
here with a group of friends or by
yourself enjoying the sounds of a
windy western Nebraska day, sitting
lakeside at Lake Mac can sometimes
feel like you're sitting oceanside.
Calamus State Recreation Area
The sun-filled afternoon sky at
Calamus State Recreation Area, on
the edge of the Sandhills, is enough
to make anyone stay on vacation with
their family for an extra day.
Louisville State Recreation Area
This Cass County beach, located on
Lake No. 2, welcomes couples as well
as kids.
Windmill State Recreation Area
You may have this one to yourself, as
many travelers passing by on Highway
80 will drive right by. But it's their
mistake. You'll definitely enjoy this
quiet beach at Lake No. 5.
Summit State Recreation Area
Adjacent to the area's campground,
this beach is a one-stop shop for
summer fun for the entire family. ■