JUNE 2016 • NEBRASKAland 5
This trail cam photo of what appears to be flying insects, captured by
NEBRASKAland Magazine's Jeff Kurrus, was taken in Cass County.
Roger Cox sent us this photo of a white-tailed buck deer from private land in
Harlan County.
Jeff Dale of Walton photographed this raccoon going toward a picked corn field
from this hollow cottonwood tree.
Dear NEBRASKAland,
During a morel outing, I was
asked by a good friend, Brad, to
go walk a little piece of property
he leased for hunting along the
Elkorn River (which was his first
mushroom hunt ever). It was slow
going at first, but after the recent
rain and the warm spring days we
had, I was sure we would run into
After about an hour of walking
and checking stands, we ran into
our first big patch of morels. After
covering a little more ground
we ran into the biggest morel
mushroom I have ever seen in my
life. I know others have probably
found bigger, but in my 27 years
of mushroom hunting this is the
biggest one I had ever seen.
I wanted to share my find with
the magazine and my family
tradition of morel mushroom
hunting in hopes that it might
make NEBRASKAland.
This magazine got my son
and I through some long days
of potty training and sleepless
nights. During potty training your
magazine became his go to for
animal pictures!
Joshua Gibbs
Bellevue, Nebraska
J ff D l f W lt h t h d thi i t d i k d fi ld