ook up the word "kayak"
in the dictionary and the
first words you see might
describe a small, light
canoe-like vessel, made
watertight with coverings of animal
skins, developed by the Inuit long
ago to fish and hunt. That definition,
especially the part about the animal
skins, is poles apart from what you
are likely to see floating the surface
of your local lake or gleaming on the
floor of your nearest outdoor retailer.
Without doubt, though, the Inuit
were on to something when they first
began using this innovative watercraft
in Greenland thousands of years
ago for hunting and fishing to feed
their families and communities, and
they would love to see how far their
innovations have come.
During the past decade or so, kayaks
of the plastic variety have progressed
from being something of a novelty in
Nebraska to a common sight at lakes
and rivers of all sizes. Once people
climb aboard these modern vessels,
they come to understand the magnetism
of this national trend.
Users love that modern kayaks are
lightweight and provide freedom for
the independent-minded floater. Even
It has taken a few thousand years, but
adaptations have made kayaks one of
the most popular vessels afloat. Are you
looking to go plastic?
By Justin Haag
Pictured is a vintage 1873 engraving showing Inuits seal hunting.
34 NEBRASKAland • APRIL 2017