
NEBRASKAland November 2016

NEBRASKAland Magazine is dedicated to outstanding photography and informative writing with an engaging mix of articles and photos highlighting Nebraska’s outdoor activities, parklands, wildlife, history and people.

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26 NEBRASKAland • NOVEMBER 2016 Life Cycle First comes the warm little fuzz ball, trying to learn not to trip over her paws. You, the hunter, have prepared for this journey by viewing every YouTube training video and purchased the best puppy starter kit from the local sporting goods store. Then comes the magical moment when you throw out a rolled up sock and your puppy brings it back. You know you are well on your way. Synergy is the creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts – that's the span of years during the relationship between hunter and retriever. The two of you become a near perfect team. Like a fine knife, the only way to hone a better edge is repeated use, and time accumulated in the field sharpens this teamwork. During the prime years no words or whistles can relay the meaning of the message as well as eye-to-eye contact. Now, what makes a successful hunt takes on a new meaning not measured in bag limits. The main goal now is to get out, get one bird, and allow your best friend as many last retrieves as you can. The lifespan of a dog is agonizingly short. Though you used to press for perfection, you are happy to wait as she takes her time getting back. She has earned her keep, her place sleeping alongside you as another year of ducks migrate south.

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