Send contributions to: Portraits from the Past, NEBRASKAland Magazine, P.O. Box 30370, Lincoln, NE 68503-0370. Or e-mail to
Tim.Reigert@Nebraska.gov. Photos should show people enjoying Nebraska outdoor activities, such as camping, boating, hunting or fishing, and must have
been taken before 1980. We will give priority to unusual photos or activities. When possible, please include a story about the photograph and identify the
people, places and approximate date it was taken. Photos will be returned.
In the 1960s, my dad Alfred Shafer and I used our beagles as bird dogs to hunt pheasants and quail. As the photos indicate, they did a
good job. Both Penny and Sally would trail pheasants and flush them. They also excelled at tracking down rooster ring-necks that only had
broken wings after being shot. The 1966 photo was taken in Hayes Center. The daily bag limit was four roosters that year.
The other three photos were taken in Orleans where I was teaching and living at the time. Dad was a farmer living in rural Shubert. He
traveled to Orleans to hunt on opening day of the 1969 pheasant hunting season. Although Dad is not in the 1968 photo, he helped bag some
of the birds on that day.
– Lonnie Shafer, Exeter, Nebraska
This 1958 photo shows Leon Schuette on the family farm east of
Hooper, holding the big boar raccoon that had been killing our ducks.
His younger brother, Delbert Schuette, holds a yardstick to emphasize
the size of this convicted and tried duck killer.
Submitted by big brother Larry.
– Larry Schuette, Raymond, Nebraska
Lonnie Shafer and Sally, winter
Alfred Shafer and
Penny, November
Lonnie Shafer with Sally and
Penny, November 1968.
Lonnie Shafer and Sally, December 1969.
Pictured are my father Leonard "L.S." Van Ackeren (far right
with hat) and two of his friends that I have been unable to identify.
The picture was taken in the Osmond, Nebraska, locker after a
successful deer and elk hunt near Pinedale, Wyoming, circa 1948.
My father owned the drug store in Osmond for many years.
– Ron Van Ackeren, Bassett, Nebraska