
NEBRASKAland November 2016

NEBRASKAland Magazine is dedicated to outstanding photography and informative writing with an engaging mix of articles and photos highlighting Nebraska’s outdoor activities, parklands, wildlife, history and people.

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NOVEMBER 2016 • NEBRASKAland 35 NOVEMBER 2016 • NEBRASKAland 35 nesting season as indicated by our rural mail carrier surveys. There are always some isolated areas that get hit with severe weather during the nesting season but nothing was real widespread this year. We've had a good amount of precipitation throughout the summer and fall in most areas of the state, a tremendous wheat crop in western Nebraska, and the habitat in our core pheasant areas is looking good. Farmers I've been in contact with have seen relatively good numbers of birds compared to years past. The one thing that echoes throughout the state are the excellent quail numbers this year. We had a remarkable year last year, and assuming even average production, this year should be just as good if not better. People are seeing quail in areas they haven't seen quail in years. In most areas of Nebraska that's still true, but there are a few caveats. Pheasants almost always respond positively when you plant CRP. At a very localized scale, adding CRP will result in more birds – at least up to a certain point. But the thing we are starting to find is that the bird response to a 50-acre CRP planting in one area of the state differs greatly from that observed following the exact same planting in another part of the state. So in an applied sense, this means that not all CRP acres are created equal, and that the surrounding landscape often dictates the degree to which pheasants will respond to a management action, or in this case, planting CRP. The Nebraska Cooperative Fish th Q: Will birds find habitat if you create it? Mark Bazis carries an over-and-under shotgun while pheasant hunting in a Sarpy County CRP field.

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