

NEBRASKAland Magazine is dedicated to outstanding photography and informative writing with an engaging mix of articles and photos highlighting Nebraska’s outdoor activities, parklands, wildlife, history and people.

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18 NEBRASKAland • MAY 2017 By Jeff Kurrus Some say the newspaper is dead. I certainly hope not. Ever since reading the transcripts to one of Dick Turpin's "Turpin Time" videos about newspaper uses, I have been on a quiet, yet constant, quest to see how helpful our dailies actually are to the life of an outdoor enthusiast. It started with using newspapers to help eliminate smells from fish and game coolers. After washing out a cooler with soap and water, then drying the inside of a cooler with a towel, I found through the years that the fishy smell would remain long after I closed the cooler. However, by inserting one more critical step, tossing a dry newspaper inside of the cooler and closing it again, the gamey smell soon dissipated. Turpin was exactly right. Since hearing about this tactic and seeing it in action, I began using newspapers with all of my coolers, then I went and told my friends. They returned with their own list of newspaper functions, including, but not limited to, using newspaper as a boot dryer, an insulator for cots, a firestarting aid, an excellent headlight and windshield cleaner, and even something to wrap frozen meats in while transferring them in a cooler. You can also place layers of newspaper on top of your cooler contents to add insulation and make your ice last longer. Or go a step further and fill all of the airspace between the contents and lid. And I'm always looking for more uses, so if you use them for a particular reason that's not listed here, drop me a note at ■ Don't Just Read the Paper PHOTO BY JEFF KURRUS

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