
NEBRASKAland March 2016

NEBRASKAland Magazine is dedicated to outstanding photography and informative writing with an engaging mix of articles and photos highlighting Nebraska’s outdoor activities, parklands, wildlife, history and people.

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14 NEBRASKAland • MARCH 2016 GRZQ$35¿QDQFLQJIRUXSWRPRQWKVRQQHZ.XERWD/H[FOXGLQJ//6HULHV(TXLSPHQWLV DYDLODEOHWRTXDOL¿HGSXUFKDVHUVIURPSDUWLFLSDWLQJGHDOHUV¶LQVWRFNLQYHQWRU\WKURXJK([DPSOH$ PRQWKPRQWKO\LQVWDOOPHQWUHSD\PHQWWHUPDW$35UHTXLUHVSD\PHQWVRISHU¿QDQFHG $35LQWHUHVWLVDYDLODEOHWRFXVWRPHUVLIQRGHDOHUGRFXPHQWDWLRQSUHSDUDWLRQIHHLVFKDUJHG'HDOHUFKDUJH IRUGRFXPHQWSUHSDUDWLRQIHHVKDOOEHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKVWDWHODZV,QFOXVLRQRILQHOLJLEOHHTXLSPHQWPD\UHVXOW LQDKLJKHUEOHQGHG$35$35DQGORZUDWH¿QDQFLQJPD\QRWEHDYDLODEOHZLWKFXVWRPHULQVWDQWUHEDWH RIIHUV)LQDQFLQJLVDYDLODEOHWKURXJK.XERWD&UHGLW&RUSRUDWLRQ86$'HO$PR%OYG7RUUDQFH&$ VXEMHFWWRFUHGLWDSSURYDO6RPHH[FHSWLRQVDSSO\2IIHUH[SLUHV6HHXVIRUGHWDLOVRQWKHVH DQGRWKHUORZUDWHRSWLRQVRUJRWRZZZNXERWDFRPIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ2SWLRQDOHTXLSPHQWPD\EHVKRZQ © Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2016 Offer ends 3/31/16. $ 0 Down, 0 % Financing for 60 Months * A.P.R. Ready. Set. Save on Kubota's Standard L Series compact tractors. Omaha Tractor, Inc. Offering the area's most complete line of Kubota products since 1984 9317 S. 144th St Omaha, Nebraska 68138 (402) 895-6661 2ႇHULQJWKHDUHD¶VPRVWFRPSOHWHOLQHRI .XERWDSURGXFWVVLQFH 6WK6W 2PDKD1HEUDVND _ Access Granted By Jeff Kurrus Gaining permission to hunt and fish private land is possible as long as you're willing to put in the work. You probably won't receive an immediate "yes" every time, but here are a few tips that will help you gain and hopefully maintain permission for years to come. 1) Plat maps are helpful in finding out who owns land. These can be viewed and purchased from county courthouses, and many are now online. 2) When possible, leave your hunting and fishing gear at home when you ask permission. This becomes a bit more tricky when hunting species like snow geese, when they're here today but gone tomorrow. Yet most of the time, you can always come back. This works especially well when asking to fish. 3) When you ask to fish, ask the landowner if they want any fish taken out of a lake. Sometimes all they will want is catch-and-release, and other times they may want you to take as many of a particular species as you can and is legal. When possible, take some cleaned, fresh fish back to the landowner to say thank you. 4) Keep your request simple. Ask permission for yourself or you and your young outdoor enthusiast, not your entire group of friends. Also, be cognizant that the biggest reasons some landowners won't let you hunt or fish is because they've been disappointed before. So I always go with the motto: "A doe with a bow" when I ask to deer hunt, letting a landowner know that not only will I only be bowhunting on their land, but I would also be pleased with the opportunity to only shoot does. It's a great way to build trust and show them what type of hunter/angler you'll be on their place. 5) Lastly, always say thank you. ■

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