
NEBRASKAland March 2016

NEBRASKAland Magazine is dedicated to outstanding photography and informative writing with an engaging mix of articles and photos highlighting Nebraska’s outdoor activities, parklands, wildlife, history and people.

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MARCH 2016 • NEBRASKAland 17 %DFN\DUG%LUGLQJ6SHFLDOW\6WRUH &RQQHFWLQJ)DPLOLHV:LWK1DWXUHIRU\HDUV 6RXWK/LQFROQ 6RXWK/LQFROQ 6RXWK/LQFROQ 6RXWK/LQFROQ In the Alamo Plaza 56th & Hwy 2 Lincoln, NE 68516 (402) 420-2553 1RUWK/LQFROQ 1RUWK/LQFROQ 1RUWK/LQFROQ 1RUWK/LQFROQ 4840 Orchard St In the little white house Lincoln, NE 68504 (402) 464-4055 2PDKD 2PDKD 2PDKD 2PDKD Harrison Village Mall 168th & Harrison Omaha, NE 68136 (402) 504-4450 QFROQ QFROQ QFROQ OQ QFROQ QFROQ QFROQ QFROQ QFROQ QFROQ QFROQ 1RUWK 1RUWK 11 WK 1 WK 1 1RUWK 1RUWK 1RUWK 1RUWK 1RUWK 1RUWK 1RUWK Wingtips by Wild Bird Habitat White Pelicans have one of the largest wingspans at 9.5 feet weighing 19.5 lbs. Knobs develop on the bills of both sexes when breeding and later shed :KHUHDV%URZQ3HOLFDQVGLYHIRU¿VK :KLWH3HOLFDQVVHLQHIRU¿VKZLWKWKHLU bill pouch that can hold up to 5 gallons of water. White Pelicans nest in large colonies called "pods" that become nurseries after their two eggs hatch. $GXOWVZLOOÀ\XSWRPLOHVIURPWKH QXUVHU\WRFDWFK¿VKIRUWKHLU\RXQJ ''7GUDLQLQJZHWODQGVDQGVKRRWLQJE\ KXPDQVVLJQL¿FDQWO\UHGXFHGWKHLUSRSXOD- tions in the twentieth century. 7RGD\EUHHGLQJDGXOWVQXPEHU American White Pelican Song or calls: Adult pelicans are usually silent, but sometimes utter a piglike "grunt." Young have low, whining grunt. Description: Sexes similar. Flys with head drawn back. Adults very large, mainly white with black wing tips, yellow feet; unfeathered yellow throat pouch and dull, yellow bill. Immatures duskier, with gray bills. Behavior: Scoops up fish while swimming by submerging head and neck. Does not plunge dive. Habitat: Large marshes, lakes and reservoirs are used by migrating and non- breeding birds. Where in Nebraska: Abundant regular spring and fall migrant statewide, non- breeding birds will summer in Sandhills and large reservoirs; locally rare regular winter visitor in Keith and Lincoln County. Large Sandhills lakes and reservoirs like Lake McConaughy and Merritt Reservoir may attract pelicans during the summer months. Less commonly, white pelicans will use sandbars in the Platte River. Fun Facts: American white pelicans do not dive for fish but rather dip their heads in and fill their bills. Sometimes many pelicans will fish together, circling in the water to congregate fish, and then dip their heads simultaneously. ■ To learn about more birds visit: Nebraska Bird Library Presented by PHOTO BY JON FARRAR PHOT PHOT PHOT PHOTO BY O BY O BY O BY JON JON JON JON FAR FAR FAR FARRAR RAR RAR RAR

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